Window Gallery this week: Stephen Schafer

Seeing Things

What do you see when you see something?

Local artist Stephen Schafer’s intriguing images explore this fascinating question. Snapped while he treks through the inner suburb of Sydney and beyond, these objects trouvés, unremarkable in themselves but contextualised and often digitally manipulated, occupy a liminal zone between representation and abstraction. What they “are” matters much less than what you make of them.

Linger over their symmetries and irregularities, wander across their textures and patterns, feast on their colours and contrasts. Let your eyes chew slowly and savour each encounter. Ultimately, it’s all about visual pleasure, making connections, engaging with the little unnoticed things all around us and their infinite aesthetic possibilities. Take time to contemplate the ephemeral.

And if you accept this ope invitation to your imagination, you may start seeing things, and perhaps also yourself, anew.

Framed prints are all individually printed on acid-free paper. To see more of Stephen’s work visit his Instagram page, visit @seeingthings.prints, or contact Stephen to purchase his prints