In our Window Gallery this week: Artist Nicola Jones
Nicola Jones is a self-taught artist who delved into a flora and fauna painting passion with gusto at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Before that she taught primary school aged children in all the wonders of art making. She enjoys using acrylics, oils and gouache to create limited palettes using loose broad brushstrokes to create expressive art which showcases the depth of colour to focus the viewers’ experience of harmony. The theme of this exhibition is the Backyard Birds.
She works from her garden studio just a short walk from Sydney’s Blackwattle Bay. Nicola draws inspiration from her local surroundings as well as native gardens, the offerings from florist/flower markets and trips around this big beautiful land of Australia.
To see more of Nicola’s work, follow her @nicolajones_art on Instagram.
The window gallery is viewable 24/7, displayed at 4 Victoria St Lewisham. All pieces are available for purchase. Please contact us for more information.